Adriana Lima breast implants
Whether Adriana Lima got breast implants or not, whether Adrina Lima's breasts are real or fake, we do not care as they are so attractive and once you lay your eyes on them it is hard to take them off. Many Hollywood actresses with sagging bags and smaller ones have got it done, they do not usually admit whether they had breast implants done. There are two main types of breast implants: saline filled and silicone gel. Usually it is obvious and easy to find out whether a Hollywood actress got the job done when it has suddenly grown to a watermelon size or it they are bigger than their head.
It is interesting that Adriana Lima did not go overboard, she had a perfectly sized breast and the sudden growth does not look weird or questionable. The new breasts are perfectly proportionate to her body and head. The medical and technological advancement in this field of breast augmentation is amazing and the procedure may cost as low as $5000.
A breast implant or breast augmentation is a procedure to enlarge the size of a woman's breasts. Women do it for many reasons, one of the primary being to get attention from men. The safety of silicone breast implants has been debated for along time now. There's no scientific evidence that ruptured silicone implants cause serious health problems which could be long term health issues. even cancer, other disorders and inflammations. If there is a rupture in the breast implant, the main problem is the formation of scar tissue in the breast. This scar tissue can lead to pain and disfigurement of the breast. Do not forget to look at my hub on Tara Reid and how terrible her plastic surgery went leading to Tara Reid's non symmetrical and distorted breasts that is a breast surgery went really bad. Some women may feel alump in their breasts after the procedure or the breast maybe distorted as in the case of Tara Reid.
Adriana Lima's breasts after

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